
Ale avatar image
Ale asked Jordan Johnson commented

Error when trying to use statistics colletor

Keep getting console error when trying to use statistics collector1.jpg. This issue was fix previously but getting it again.

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statistics collector
1.jpg (30.2 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered Jordan Johnson commented

Previously, the issue was that, for some reason, all of your groups were not successfully upgraded from previous versions into 17.2. If you could post 2 models for me, I can fix this issue:

  1. Post a model that opens in 17.1 or earlier, that then throws exceptions in 17.2 (make sure not to save it in 17.2). This will allow me to detect what goes wrong in the upgrade process.
  2. Post the 17.2 model that is broken, and I will post a fixed version.
· 2
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