
elizabeth.l avatar image
elizabeth.l asked Logan Gold commented

Content vs Time dashboard for list with partitions


I'd like to have a dashboard that shows all tokens being pushed onto a partition over time.

This includes tokens that are immediately pulled after a push (pulled at the same simulation time or before a push). In the attached model, the pull request occurs before the push and the dashboard doesn't show any content being added to the list. I tried having the pull and push occur at the same simulation time and that didn't work either.

It works fine if the pull request comes after the push.

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list partition dashboard
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1 Answer

Jacob Gillespie avatar image
Jacob Gillespie answered Logan Gold commented

In the attached model I made a tracked variable for each partition.

I then increment the tracked variable before pushing to the list and decrement after pulling.

This will get you the 0 time changes.


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fiz avatar image fiz commented ·

Hi Jacob, how did you add that to your dashboard, i tried finding it in the libarary on the left side but couldnt find any.


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Logan Gold avatar image Logan Gold ♦♦ fiz commented ·

Hi @fiz, the graph in Jacob's model is a Tracked Variable Vs Time chart, as a Line Chart. You can find it in the Dashboard's Library in the General section:


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