
Jan Brinkjans avatar image
Jan Brinkjans asked Joerg Vogel edited



I have a problem with a transporter using TASKTYPE_PLACEOFFSET. Please see the attached sample model. At moment 58s the transporter is unloading a box to the rack and directly starts moving its fork downwards, although the token is still in the Unload-Activity. How can I make the fork movement wait until the unload-task is completed? If you allow offset-travel it works correctly, but then the transporter drives into the rack while performing the unload-task, which is something I would like to avoid.

FlexSim 17.2.1
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Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered Jan Brinkjans commented

Attached is an example model that behaves how you want. It explicitly sets the transporter's variables as part of the process flow to force the forks to move to the desired locations at the desired times.

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Jeff Nordgren avatar image Jeff Nordgren commented ·
@Jan Brinkjans

Nice solution!

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Jan Brinkjans avatar image Jan Brinkjans commented ·


Perfect solution for my problem, thanks a lot!

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Jeff Nordgren avatar image
Jeff Nordgren answered Joerg Vogel edited
@Jan Brinkjans

All you need to do is in the Properties window of Transporter6, you need to change the drop-down menu option right of the Rotate while traveling field to "Travel offsets for load/unload tasks".

That should be all there is to it. Let me know if there was something else or something I did not understand.



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Jan Brinkjans avatar image Jan Brinkjans commented ·

@Jeff Nordgren

Thanks for your help. The problem with offset-travel is that the transporter turns to the rack while unloading and drives slightly into the rack (picture 2) (that’s what I meant with “If you allow offset-travel it works correctly, but then the transporter drives into the rack while performing the unload-task”).

Is there a way to avoid this behavior? I want the transporter to keep its orientation while unloading (like picture 1).

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transporter.png (135.4 KiB)
Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel Jan Brinkjans commented ·

You can still exchange the load task by a moveobject task. The Taskexecuter doesn't perform then a part of an offset travel task, which is responsible of the turn.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel Jan Brinkjans commented ·

I don't know, if this approach is already part of a solution. You can modify the rotation variable "modifyrotation" before the unload activity to unset as 0 and activate the rotation after the unload activity again as 1. This works only in a distinct distance of the transporter to the rack. Otherwise the transporter traverses in y direction towards to the rack. The custom task tasktype is setnodenum.

the parameter is


in dot syntax probably["modifyrotation"]

The value is 0 or 1

rack-transporter-none-rotation.fsm (V17.2.2)

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Jan Brinkjans avatar image Jan Brinkjans commented ·

@Jörg Vogel

No, this doesn't work. If you use a moveobject-task, you also need a delay-activity for the unload time. During this delay-activity the fork already starts moving down.

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