
Tiffany Pecson avatar image
Tiffany Pecson asked Kari Payton answered

Record x-y coordinates of staff member?

Is there a way to record x-y coordinates of a staff member as they move around? For example, record their location every second or 30 seconds, or maybe every time they hit a node?

I know that the standard version has a heat map and the healthcare does not, but I think if I can get the x-y coordinates of the staff member, I could essentially create a sort of spaghetti diagram in another program.

FlexSim HC 5.3.4
staff memberstaff locationxy coordinates
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1 Answer

Kari Payton avatar image
Kari Payton answered

@Tiffany Pecson I don't have FlexSim HC but in the 2018 version you can use the line

  1. model().find("Operator1").as(Object).location

It will return an array of x y z coordinates. If you only want the number (not in an array) just add .x or .y or .z to the end of the line.

If that doesn't work you can also try the commands xloc(), yloc(), zloc().

To do it every 30 seconds you can create a user event that updates every 30 seconds. In the model attachment I show how it's done. record-operator-location.fsm

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