
Axel Kohonen avatar image
Axel Kohonen asked Axel Kohonen edited

Way to set "Optimize Column for Lookup" with FlexScript


Is it possible to set a certain column in a Global table in bundle mode to "Optimize Column for Lookup" with FlexScript and how in that case?

And is there any more info on when it i wise to use the column indexing which it seems that the optimization does according to this thread? I assume that it adds some overhead.

And if there would be something about this in the manual it would be great! Looked in the 18.0.2 manual as well.

Thank you!

Kind regards,


FlexSim 17.2.5
global tableflexscriptbundleoptimize column for lookup
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
1 Like"
Matthew Gillespie answered Axel Kohonen edited

data is the node holding the bundle data

startCol is 0 based

  1. //Toggle on
  2. applicationcommand("addindextobundlefield", data, startCol, BUNDLE_FIELD_INDEX_MAP);
  4. //Toggle off
  5. applicationcommand("removeindexfrombundlefield", data, startCol);
· 2
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