
Julio R avatar image
Julio R asked Maria Z3 commented

ProcessFlow Travel using network node


I want to use a travel option with ProcessFlow but my travelers are not going into the network node.

I have tried using several travel activities to the network nodes and a reassignnetnode in a code snippet. It gets the operator into the node network but at the start it disappears and apperars again in the node.

Is there a simple way of doing this?

Here is a little example:


Thank you.

FlexSim 18.0.2
processflownetwork nodestravel
reasigna-nodo.fsm (23.0 KiB)
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
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Matthew Gillespie answered Maria Z3 commented

You're seeing the jumping because the person is still inside the Queue when you tell them to travel. You should move them out of the queue before travelling with a Move Object activity. Here's an example:


It looks like you were using the Task Executer as Flowitem pickoption as a starting point. Take a look at its description:

Task Executer as Flowitem. Move the item into the model, then connect it to a NetworkNode that is connected to this object. Then tell it to travel to the destination and unload itself into the object. Note: this will only work for flow items created from the TaskExecuterFlowItem in the flow item bin.

reassignnode.fsm (22.8 KiB)
· 3
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