
Trevor Manzanares avatar image
Trevor Manzanares asked Cliff King edited

How do I remove the space between object name and tracked variable name?

I am trying to set a tracked variable in the OnExit trigger of a processor so that it changes the label value of that processor. When I use the dropper on the Tracked Variable vs Time dashboard to select that label value, it automatically adds a space in between the object name "Processor1" and the tracked variable "labelname". This is causing problems when there are many objects and many tracked variables because when I export the dashboards to .csv, the objects are indistinguishable from each other. Any ideas how to concatenate the object name and the tracked variable/label name?

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1 Answer

Matt Long avatar image
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Matt Long answered Matt Long commented

Unfortunately that chart doesn't support renaming and as it's a legacy chart, there are no plans to update it.

There isn't an exact template that will do what the Tracked Variable vs Time chart will do, but it's not too hard to customize the new charts to get what you want. I've attached a simple model showing an example of what you're trying to do.

The easiest way to get started is to go to the Toolbox, double click on a Tracked Variable to open its properties window and then use the Pin button to pin that tracked variable to a dashboard as a Line Graph.

This will give you a starting point by creating the Dashboard Chart as well as a Statistics Collector that will gather the data that will be displayed on the chart. If you double click on the chart in the dashboard to open it's properties window, you'll see that there is a Data Source defined. Click on the ... button to the right of this to open the Statistics Collector properties.

The Statistics Collector will have a listener to the On Change of the Tracked Variable that you pinned. You can use the Sampler to change the Object to point to your label.

You'll need to update the table under the Event Data Label Name to say NewValue instead of newValue so you don't get errors when it tries to grab the data for the value column.

Next, if you go to the Data Recording tab, you can add a Column of data that will be the name of your label (or however you want to name it). You can click on the drop down button next to the Value field and select Event Object > Name of Event Object. This will place the code into the Value field where current is the tracked variable label.

The last step is to tell the chart to split the data by our Name column. Reset the model to ensure the statistics collector has updated its columns, then double click on the Line Graph to open its properties. Check the Name box under Split Data By.

Hit OK and then reset and run your model. You should see the name of your label displayed in the chart.

If you want to change the look of the chart, you can go to the Settings tab and set the Draw Style to Line or Stair Step.

It's a few more steps, but you get complete flexibility with how your chart looks, what data is displayed, etc.


linegraph.png (20.2 KiB)
chartproperties.png (23.0 KiB)
sampleevent.png (79.0 KiB)
objectname.png (38.9 KiB)
splitby.png (19.8 KiB)
chart.png (17.2 KiB)
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Trevor Manzanares avatar image Trevor Manzanares commented ·

Thanks, @Matt Long, what if I want to graph the values of more than one label on the same plot? Right now, the legend includes both labels together (I'd like them listed separately). I'd also like to retrieve the values of those labels on a recurring time interval instead of every time its value changes. Is that what the Timer Event is in the Stats Collector?

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Matt Long avatar image Matt Long Trevor Manzanares commented ·

The step that has you check the Name box in the Split Data By will cause each tracked variable label to be displayed separately. This assumes that your label names are different. If they're not different, but are on different objects, then you could add another column that defines the name of the object and then split by that column.

If you want to do a time interval instead of listening to the On Change of the tracked variable then you'll have to set up your Statistics Collector a little differently. On the Event Listening Page, press the + button and select Add Timer Event. Specify the first time and the repeat time for the event. Then you'll also need to change how you're gathering the data in the columns. You could either reference the tracked variables directly in the value field, or you can utilize the Event Data Labels to assign a reference to the tracked variables as data labels on your event. Then you can access them in the value field using dot syntax.


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