
Jesus M2 avatar image
Jesus M2 asked Jesus M2 commented

Send batches from different Queues to different pallets

@Joshua S you helped me with this model. I'm really grateful. I wanted to know if I can send the batches from Queue_1 to Pallet_1, from Queue_2 to Pallet_2, from Queue_3 to Pallet_3 and from Queue_4 to Pallet_4. Is this possible?

I'm attaching the last model you gave me (12202-12186-luc-0118-change) and also I'm attaching the model that I'm proposing (LUC 0118 v003).

I'm really grateful to you.



FlexSim 18.1.1
palletsbatchesdown items
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1 Answer

Joshua S avatar image
1 Like"
Joshua S answered Jesus M2 commented

Definitely possible. I added another row in the Table that referenced the final Queue the "Line" is destined for so the unload and move objects now do a lookup in the table for their unload destination.12204-luc-0118-v003.fsm

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