
Suraj J avatar image
Suraj J asked Joerg Vogel answered

Return value from second column based on value queried.


I can't recollect if there is a function that returns a value from 2nd column of global table based on value that is given in first column.

e.g. From following data, if I enter 'SomeFunc("Table",0.8) I would get 190 (rounded above).

.5 150
.75 175
1.0 190

I know about d/c/empirical. The number in first column is not random but calculated.

Any help is appreciated.

global tablelookup
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Steven Hamoen avatar image
Steven Hamoen answered Joerg Vogel commented

@Suraj J

As far as I know there is not. But it is very simple to create your own usercommand and have this function. Something like this would do:

  1. double value = param(1);
  3. for( int i = 1; i <= Table("TheTable").numrows; i++ )
  4. {
  5. if( Table("TheTable")[i][1] >= value)
  6. {
  7. return Table[i][2];
  8. }
  9. }
· 1
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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

You get your return value by an Table.query.

  1. Table.query("SELECT target FROM TheTable WHERE input >= $1 ORDER BY input ASC", col1Value)[1][1];

The Reset trigger contains more lines of code, because I want to show how you get the value. Line 7 is the code you need. Attached is the model in Flexsim 18.1.1.


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