
David Chan avatar image
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David Chan asked David Chan commented

Help: getting passenger to pull the bag when respective photo eye triggered

Hi I am using PF to build a model to have passenger to pull their respective bags when the photo eyes of respective passenger triggered. My problem is that bags are bring pulled before the reaching the respective photo eye. How should I do it right?




FlexSim 18.1.1
processflowwait for eventphotoeye
picking-area-5.fsm (142.9 KiB)
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1 Answer

Steven Hamoen avatar image
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Steven Hamoen answered David Chan commented

Hi David, there are few things happening here. The first is that in the wait for event, you match on item (which is correct) and you match on conveyor. But the conveyor is the same for a lot of different photocells. You can get the photoeye from the "Assign Event Object To" and use a decide afterwards to see if the it was the right photocell. If not you can put the token back in the wait for event.

The other issue is the "Pull Bags". You pull the right amount but not the right bags. So what happens is that somebody pulls x number of bags and then somewhere near the end a passenger comes to the sink but it's children have already been pulled before and have disappeared. So I think you should add a query something like WHERE parent = puller

One other thing I noticed, in the Pull Bags you use token.children.length. But this could also be token.Nrofbag (just a bit shorter)

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David Chan avatar image David Chan commented ·


Thanks for your advise. Just to share how I got this working.

1. Wait for Event: If I use token.destination as the Object, all of the item that has that as the destination will be released. So I cannot use only the destination as the decision logic. I have to identify the actual item that trigger that PE. So I actually record that item as a label and add that into the decision logic to make that is the item I want to pass to the next activity.

2. Pull bags: For the Push to List. I will Push the bag using the partition based on the parent. token.parent. On the other side, I will Pull according to the token (which is parent). It works for this case.

Another way of doing is to work the bag logic in a pure processflow logic. Then this time I use the event trigger source. Each time when PE is triggered, a token is created. With this arrangement, then I just have to check if the PE is the location I want.

I will post the two approaches here.

1. Using TE PF: picking-area-5.fsm

2. Using a normal PF: picking-area-5-2.fsm


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picking-area-5-2.fsm (141.2 KiB)