
Wu Hung L avatar image
Wu Hung L asked Wu Hung L commented

Is EVENT-TRIGGER can hold two constraints ? Or a customized EVENT TRIGGER?

Hi~ I want to make a vehicle sharing system which has three stations, each station has four vehicles but only one station has eight vehicles and this station is called "station 3". I also want to create a rule that a station's number of vehicle is more than 6 then I will transport a few of this station's vehicle to another station to ensure the demand of another station can be satisfied.

Then I have a problem,as you can see in this picture, I use process flow to create this rule. But I find a logical error, the EVENT TRIGGER can only set one event, so I use two EVENT TRIGGER. But under this method, one token will wait another token. In the practical situation,two token should appear simultaneously, then the vehicle will be transported to other stations. Is it possible to create a customized EVENT TRIGGER to hold two events? Or is there any other methods can solve this problem?


FlexSim 18.1.1
event trigger
1.png (42.0 KiB)
runable-token.fsm (82.4 KiB)
5 |100000

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Roi Sánchez avatar image
1 Like"
Roi Sánchez answered Wu Hung L commented

Hello @Wu Hung L, you can save the object event in a label so as to know where the event has taken place. Apart from that you could also save a label with a reference of the item that has created the event. Then you could use only one Event-triggered Source and every time an event occurs, you would get a token with the car and the station where it has taken place.

In the attached picture you can see how to save these labels:

· 1
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Roi Sánchez avatar image
Roi Sánchez answered Wu Hung L commented

Hi @Wu Hung L, you can add more than one event to listen to in the Event-triggered Source. You can see how to do it in this picture.


· 1
5 |100000

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