
Raj Sivaraj avatar image
Raj Sivaraj asked Isaac Litster commented

Make Robot pick next item in queue

I am using a Robot to move a flow item from a Queue to a Processor. By default, the Robot does not proceed to pick another item until the Processor has completed it's process and moved the item. How do I make the Robot start picking the next item in the queue while the Processor is processing the previous item?

FlexSim 16.1.2
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jing.c avatar image
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jing.c answered jing.c commented

Hi, @Raj Sivaraj

Not quite sure if you are familiar with ProcessFlow Module. If you use PF, it will be easy.

Firstly, you should create a FR list for making out if the processor can receive an item or not.

Don't forget push the Processor back to list when item exit from it.

Then I suggest to use TASKTYPE_PLACEOFFSET task to conduct the robot load the item and move it to the destination(processor) while holding the item until the processor available(pull from the list).

I attach a sample and hope it helps~


fr-list.png (35.0 KiB)
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Adrian K2 avatar image
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Adrian K2 answered


The simpliest way is to use trigger OnUnload

and predefined function "Travel to an Object"

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