
Tam P avatar image
Tam P asked Emily Hardy commented

Decision Point not changing Shape on conveyor

powellprocessing.fsm My DP4 on my Conveyor is not changing the shape of my flow item. i do not know what is wrong.

FlexSim 18.1.1
decision point
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1 Answer

Emily Hardy avatar image
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Emily Hardy answered Emily Hardy commented

This is because in your FlowItem Fillet, you changed the shape frame rather than the actual 3D shape.

I changed the 3D shape to "steak (1).skp" and made it so the DP4 changes the shape to box.3DS but you're welcome to change this to the desired shape.


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Tam P avatar image Tam P commented ·

Oh geez. I am sorry I ask these questions. Thanks again.

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Emily Hardy avatar image Emily Hardy ♦ Tam P commented ·

It had me stumped too! I'm happy to answer your questions.

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