
Sharan Nitin avatar image
Sharan Nitin asked Steven Hamoen answered

Can Coordinated TaskSequence be performed on operators in different states?

Let us suppose that there are two operator Opr1 and Opr2. Currently, Opr1 is in idle state and Opr2 will become idle after 0.63 sec. If we implement Coordinated TaskSequence then can we get the output such that Opr2 will perform with Opr1 after 0.63 sec?

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Steven Hamoen avatar image
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Steven Hamoen answered

@Sharan Nitin That is exactly the function of the synctask. It makes sure that if both operators reach the same state before they continue with executing the tasksequence. But before you dive into coordinated tasksequence, please check out process flow. It makes these kind of processes so much easier, because you just the the acquire operator with amount of 2 operators and it waits till it has both.

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