
yoni A avatar image
yoni A asked Isaac Litster commented

pull by Item type and Qty

I have a list of 6 items that needs to be processed every day, pull time means day 1, day 2, day3, etc.

every day the processor have to pull the qty specified at those times(days),

how do I tell the processor to pull only the items and quantities for each specific time(day)

see attached image


FlexSim 18.2.0
pull strategy
pull-qty.png (40.0 KiB)
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Isaac Litster avatar image Isaac Litster commented ·

Hi @yoni A

You can do this by changing the Arrival Style to "Arrival Schedule" in the Source Properties. You can do this in process flow source or in the 3D source. There you can change the amount of arrivals, item name, quantity of arrivals, and set other labels.

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yoni A avatar image yoni A Isaac Litster commented ·

I did this already, @Isaac Litster , and it works, but the items go to a queue, and then from the queue have to be pull by another processor2, that follows a different schedule. how do I tell the second processor2 pull this quantity for this item type, from this queue. processor 1 follows the schedule as you mention above to refill the queues that are being consumed by processor2

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Isaac Litster avatar image Isaac Litster yoni A commented ·

Hi @yoni A

Could you upload your model for me so I can better visualize your process? Thank you

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yoni A avatar image yoni A Isaac Litster commented ·

SCC coating and the yellow processor should pull the quantities that are in the shipped tables at those specific times, yes they need to pull depending on the item and schedule @Isaac Litster

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yoni A avatar image yoni A Isaac Litster commented ·

Hi, Isaac, where you able to figure it out? @Isaac Litster

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1 Answer

Isaac Litster avatar image
Isaac Litster answered

I got it to work using lists. Let me know if this is what you are thinking. I only did the first group of queues to the SCC Coating processor.


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