
Scott Ainsworth avatar image
Scott Ainsworth asked Jeff Nordgren converted comment to answer

Why do my tokens not pull from list?

I'm an old Flexsim user but new to the process flow away of modeling. I'm trying to use a general process flow to route product orders to subsequent operations. The operations may involve ordering or fabrication of parts. All orders are have a preassigned batch number. A batch cannot be passed on to the next stage until all products in the batch have been processed.

I'm just starting to implement the above. I have:

  1. source that creates product order tokens from a table
  2. push to list puts tokens on a Orders list
  3. source that creates a token to circulate in the Order Parts process (yet to be developed)
  4. A pull from list that pulls product order tokens from the Orders list.
  5. A create object that represents the guts of the Order Parts process.
  6. push to list that pushes the product order tokens to the Parts Ordered list.

I'm mainly stuck on the pull from list step. It just seems to hang when the circulating token arrives. I've read documentation, done tutorials and searched the forum. I've tried a bunch of things and I'm stuck.

Once I get that working I will have additional questions.

  1. How do I pull tokens in batches of various lengths?they are gathered in partitions.
  2. How does pull from Orders list know which token goes back around and which goes to the Parts Ordered list???
  3. ??????? :)


FlexSim 18.2.2
liststokenslist pulltoken is not moving in process flow
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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
Sam Stubbs answered

The tokens being pushed to the list are being pushed into a Partion of the list based on batch ID. On the pulling side you don't specify any partition ID, so it defaults to 0. So your Pull is looking in Partition 0, but there aren't any tokens in Partition 0, they're all in partitions defined by your Batch number. You'll need to either tell the Pull what Partition it should look for items, or remove the Partition ID so that your tokens aren't stored in separate partitions.

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