
Patrick Cloutier avatar image
Patrick Cloutier asked Joshua S answered

Is there a way to make conditional divider/barrier/bridge in AStar?

Is there a way to make conditional divider/barrier/bridge in AStar? I seem to remember hearing at the last training that it would be a feature in the future.

But for now (18.2.2) if I wanted to have a divider that blocks patients but lets employees go through is there a way I could do it in AStar? (employees and patients have a label to identify them)

I know I could add a layover destination that forces the patients through another corridor but in my application that is quite a complex solution because of all the possible origins and destinations.

FlexSim 18.2.2
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1 Answer

Joshua S avatar image
Joshua S answered

As of right now there is no way to add or remove barriers during simulation. It only takes into account what has been added as a barrier before it runs.

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