
Abdelillah AY avatar image
Abdelillah AY asked Abdelillah AY edited

demount an engine using separator

hello guys;

I want to put engines in an disassembly system. so I thought to use separator as a disassembly line my problem is that I want to put an engine in the input and I want in the output of the separator 3 modules . plz how can i do that?

FlexSim 18.2.2
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Isaac Litster avatar image
Isaac Litster answered

Hi @Abdelillah AY

Here is a simple example model using a combiner and a separator. Is this similar to what you are thinking?


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Abdelillah AY avatar image Abdelillah AY commented ·

Hello @Isaac Lister.

Thank you for answering at my question. it think i found a solution sol.fsm. can you help me to give to the three cylinders different colors "3"

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sol.fsm (19.0 KiB)
Clair A avatar image Clair A Abdelillah AY commented ·

Using your model I just added the pickoption "Set Color By Case" in the Separator's OnExit trigger:

The value used for the color code is based on the statistic (stats) of how many product left (output) the Separator (current):


This expression will return 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7... So to get a sequence which is repeated every 3 products for the color code, you can use the integer modular:


This will return 0-1-2-0-1-2-0-1-2...

I just added +1 to shift the sequence used for the color code to 1-2-3-1-2-3-1-2-3...

With the default color code in FlexSim 1=red, 2= green, 3=blue:

But if you prefer to use your own colors you can add cases to this pickoption.

Here is the model: 2018-11-21-separator-3-copies-with-different-color.fsm

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Abdelillah AY avatar image
Abdelillah AY answered Abdelillah AY edited

thank you for helping me

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