
cai A avatar image
cai A asked cai A commented

the problem of taskexecuter and agv(3)

I have some problems of my model hope all of you can help me to solve my problems.Thank you!

(1) I want let the taskexecuter go to any connect point wait for 3 seconds and then get upload and unload(For example:go to queue1 stop 3 seconds and then upload 14 boxes and then go to sink1 wait 3 seconds and then unload 14 boxes and then go to queue2 and so on.)

(2) I want let the sink4 unload by labels but it can't unload quantity that I want.(For example:I want unload for 8 boxes in sink4 but it just unload for 1 box)


FlexSim 18.2.0
agvunloadtaskexecuteruploadconnect point
our-model.fsm (47.9 KiB)
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1 Answer

gilbert jerald avatar image
gilbert jerald answered cai A commented

@cai A


The attached model I have made the change on your model that meet your 2 requirements.

I have used process flow Delay activity to make the AGV wait at control points when loading and unloading for 10 sec.

I have pushed all the unloading control point to a list and make the AGV, to make use of the list to unload the item in the required sink with respect to unload quantity.


Note; You can change the time 10 sec to as per your requirement.


support-agv3.fsm (54.8 KiB)
· 2
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