
Manuel Sinco avatar image
Manuel Sinco asked Manuel Sinco commented

How can I measure the time that a token spends inside a zone?

I have different zones for different work stations, each station with a zone capacity of 1, I want to measure how many time a token spends in that zone, and how much it waits when it tries to enter to another one. So If the token can't enter to the next zone it means that his current zone is blocked.

Also it would be useful if I can measure the times in the tokens when all the system is in Schedule Down. I think that I can use a label, but it needs to be updated.

I want to use this information to use a dashboard about the "Station State"

Thanks! I would appreciate your help, and if I was not clear please let me know.

FlexSim 18.2.3
tokenswaiting timeszones
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Joshua S avatar image
Joshua S answered Manuel Sinco commented

You can look at the statistics of each zone as shown below, it has staytime along with several other options. One idea for checking the staytime between zones is adding zones for between zones and you can check the staytime statistic of those as well.

pic1.png (49.0 KiB)
· 1
5 |100000

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Manuel Sinco avatar image Manuel Sinco commented ·

Thank you Joshua it helped me a lot, I apreciate it.

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