
Jordan avatar image
Jordan asked Jordan edited

How to send items to specific location ?


I am working on the model where I want 1 in 50 flow items to go for the extended tests and when it is released back into the main line I want it to skip the test station and go directly to the separator.(Please see the following snippet).

Please can you advice me about how can I include this command to my model.

FlexSim 18.2.2
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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
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tannerp answered

Hi @lokesh G,

I have updated your model so that every 1 in 50 items will go to the extended testing processor and then return to the normal track without being tested again at the Test Station.

I accomplished this with labels - here's a breakdown of the steps I took:

1) Create a label on Test Station called "itemCount" and set it to 0. This will keep track of the number of items that come through testing.

2) Create two labels on each pallet. I named them "extTest" and "testingComplete" and their purpose is to indicate the item's progress through testing.

3) Create an On Exit trigger on Test Station that increments the "itemCount" label. Additionally, if the item count is 50, set the label "extTest" on the item to 1, indicating that it should be sent to extended testing.

4) Create an On Arrival trigger on DP1 that will send the item conditionally to extended testing. If the item is the 50th item to pass through the test station, it will have the "extTest" label set to 1. If it has not been through extended testing yet, it will also have the "testingComplete" label set to 0. In this case, it will be sent to the Extended test processor.

5) For when the items come from Extended test, there is logic in the Process Time value that will set an item's process time to 0 if it reaches Test Station and the "testingComplete" label is set to 1 (which happens upon process finish at Extended test).

Additionally, I added reset labels to all of the labels so that they are set to 0 upon re-entering the system or on model reset.

Hopefully this makes sense. If you have questions or I missed something, feel free to comment back!

Model: updated-extended-testing.fsm

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