
juani avatar image
juani asked juani commented

Find Slot in SubFlow doesn't read flowitem label

Hello everyone!
I have a problem with my SubFlow

I created boxes in pallets. These boxes have a different color by SKU label.
I set the racks address scheme with the "Storage Sistem", and gave each pallet his address. Each pallet has a specific position.
The simulation works fine when i use a source in 3D Model with the "Address" label. But now i want to do the same using Process Flow. So i set the output of the queue "Send" to my "AssignSlot" subflow, but the tokens don't have the label of the flowitem "pallet". Therefore, tokens can't "Find Slot".
How can i solve this?

I also wanted to ask if there is a way to change the 3D shape by the SKU label, using only one source, and not one per shape. I read on the forum that there is a way using global variables but i don't know how to do it. I would appreciate if anybody can upload an example of it.

Address Scheme with Process Flow (by Color).fsm

FlexSim 23.2.2
labelsflowitem3d shapesub flowaddress scheme
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered juani commented

You create the pallets in the Creation Queue but this is connected to the Send Queue and the pallet evaluates that queue's sendtoport before you've added the address label - causing the FindSlot to fire and complain about the label not existing (with this configuration of FindSlot below:)


Create the pallet in the model and then move it into the queue after you've added the Address/ packed it with product.

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