
Jaime C avatar image
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Jaime C asked Phil BoBo edited

Flexsim daydream compatible?

Can you import a flexsim model and play it on a Google Daydream Device?

Can you record it someway and play it?

vr and ar
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered Phil BoBo edited

At this time FlexSim only supports the Windows platform. Where Google Daydream is used on standalone devices and smartphones, it does not run Windows applications. Rather, it uses the Android, Unity, or Unreal SDK to develop specific applications for it.

So, to use FlexSim with a VR headset, it will still need to be connected to a Windows computer. That means Oculus Rift, Vive, or Windows Mixed Reality headsets.

Also, FlexSim does not currently support recording a 360 degree video of your model. It is on the dev list to add this functionality so that you can view videos of models on devices such as Google Daydream, Oculus Go, or smartphones.

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