
RICARDO PA avatar image
RICARDO PA asked Jeff Nordgren edited

How can I make a process pull items with a matching type from a queue?

Hi, so so far I've got a queue that holds two types of items: 1 and 2. I want to either make the queue push items with a matching type as the last sent (say if the last sent was a type 1 item, if there are any more item 1 types send those before), or make the processor after it prioritise items with the same time as the last it has just processed (if it has just processed type 1 then grab another type 1). There is a conveyor between both resources. Thanks!!

FlexSim 18.2.3
pull strategyitemtypequeue strategymatching itemtypes transporterprocessor stra
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1 Answer

zacharyh avatar image
zacharyh answered Jeff Nordgren edited

@RICARDO PA, Here is an example of prioritizing which ever Type was just recently processed. I was able to do so using Process Flow. (A list was also used to keep track of all items and their specific types.)


If you have any clarification questions please let me know.

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