
Conner F avatar image
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Conner F asked zacharyh answered

Is there a way to get a pdf version the user manual to read offline?

I am looking for a pdf version of the user manual so I can read it offline

FlexSim 19.1.1
users manualpdf
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zacharyh avatar image
zacharyh answered

@Conner F

We do not have a PDF version of the user manual. As Mischa mentioned the best way to view the manual offline is what's installed with FlexSim. You can also view the manual online

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Mischa Spelt avatar image
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Mischa Spelt answered Conner F commented

If you want to read the manual offline, the preferred way is using the version that comes installed with FlexSim.

The online / in-software version of the User Manual is better than a print or PDF version for many reasons, as explained here:

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