
Aurélien FR avatar image
Aurélien FR asked tannerp commented

Elevator bank MTBF MTTR, breakdown of elevator


I have an elevator bank with 2 elevator (new elevator bank of people module) I would like to simulate the breakdown of 1 elevator. I tried to use the mtbf-mttr by selecting "elevator1" in the tree below "ElevatorBank1" but it does not work. Is there any other ways to do it please ?

Thank you in advance

FlexSim 19.1.2
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Jeff Nordgren avatar image Jeff Nordgren commented ·

@Aurélien FR,

You didn't attach a model or anything else to your post. So I'm not sure what you are referring to. Could you please send us the missing information?


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Aurélien FR avatar image Aurélien FR commented ·

Hi Jeff, here is an example with a model


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elevatorbankmttr.fsm (131.2 KiB)

1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
tannerp answered tannerp commented

Hi @Aurélien FR,

There's currently no logic implemented to stop an Elevator Bank like other objects, so I'm afraid using the MTBF/MTTR on an Elevator object is not possible. That said, we might be able to find a workaround by stopping the people attempting to use the elevator. What are you trying to simulate and gather data for? Is this for elevator maintenance? Or perhaps to measure the utilization of stairs? If you give us an idea, we might be able to come up with an alternative solution.

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Aurélien FR avatar image Aurélien FR commented ·

Thank you for your answer, it was to test the setup with the breakdowns of one elevator: what is the impact on the elevator waiting time, how many people are waiting, etc... For maintenance also. This could be a nice feature to add. The possibility to have 2 doors -frontside and backside on the same elevator would also be useful.

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