
Horn H avatar image
Horn H asked Horn H commented

Move Object in Process Flow Doesn't work

Hello !

I have rebuilt my old model in Flexsim version 2017 Update 1. I have a problem in Move Object 2 ,It doesn't work. The Process is TaskExecuter needs to send the boxes to Processor4 ,But it doesn't send as I want .Here is attached model project.fsm.


FlexSim 17.1.6
move object
project.fsm (42.2 KiB)
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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
tannerp answered Horn H commented

Hi @Horn H,

In the Move Object 2 activity, you are moving the object assigned to the label, "tractor". This is the TaskExecuter.

You want to move the subnodes of the tractor/TaskExecuter.

When an object is moved into a TaskExecuter, it becomes a subnode of the TaskExecuter as shown in the image below:

It's easiest to unload the contents of the TaskExecuter (subnodes) one at a time. This can be accomplished using a loop.

Here's an updated version of your model that will unload properly. Hopefully this is a helpful answer to you!


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