
ANGIE TAY H avatar image
ANGIE TAY H asked CSN edited

Find out cycle time for each processor,

Hi, I'm beginner of Flexsim. I wish to find out the cycle time of each processor and conveyor. Anyone can help me with this? 改善前有graph英文名字1019-下午五点-1.fsm 改善后700英文名字-10月19日下午五点.fsm


I have created a simulation but due to i'm still begginer so i don't how to dind out the cycle time for each processor. Can someone help me with this?

FlexSim 19.2.3
cycle time
5 |100000

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1 Answer

CSN avatar image
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CSN answered CSN edited

Hi The statistics module on the right is able to view the average time per processor and conveyor

改善前的 hang kitchen

改善后的hang kitchen

· 5
5 |100000

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ANGIE TAY H avatar image ANGIE TAY H commented ·

Hi, its cycle time is average stay times divided with maximum content than can get it?

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CSN avatar image CSN ANGIE TAY H commented ·

I don't quite understand what you mean. What do you want is the average processing time on each processor? This stay time is the average time each item stays on the processor, because the goods behind you are stacked, so his Stay time is the time each object stays on this

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ANGIE TAY H avatar image ANGIE TAY H CSN commented ·

Sorry for making you confused. I wish to find the cycle time at every processor and the conveyor. But every processor has its constant amount of item need to be the process by the machine. My question is I want to know the cycle time of each item at the processor. I don't think stay time is the same as the cycle time because average stay time I get from the quick properties is too long.

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