
josue M avatar image
josue M asked zacharyh commented

How can I get that each box of the source have a different item.type ?

How can I get that my source create a different item.type for each box ?

FlexSim 19.2.4
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1 Answer

zacharyh avatar image
zacharyh answered zacharyh commented

@josue M when you double click on the source go to Triggers and select On Creation. From there click on the green plus and hover over Data. There you will see different options for setting the label. You can set the label as Type by a random distribution or you can set Type by a percentage that you define. You can even set a color for each type.

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josue M avatar image josue M commented ·

OK, but the idea is use a separator to split each type (for each box) and then with the combiner pack it with the specific item.type

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zacharyh avatar image zacharyh ♦ josue M commented ·

I'm sorry I don't understand. Do you have a model you could share with me that has something similar to what you are trying to do?

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