
Miguel M7 avatar image
Miguel M7 asked Cliff King answered

How can I set the experimenter in healthcare?

Hi @Cliff King, @Matthew Gillespie

I am trying to see and create an experimenter that takes information from the patients. Is there a different way for me to do this.

I currently created a group for number of Nurses (RN's) and made three scenarios. I set my performance measure only as the Average Staytime in one of my MultipleLocations (Waiting Area ED), but I get the same result of 0 for all three scenarios.

Let me know if you have any suggestions.

Thank you!


FlexSim 19.2.4
experimenterhealthcarepatient track
experimenter.fsm (729.8 KiB)
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1 Answer

Cliff King avatar image
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Cliff King answered

If you first make some dashboards, then add PFMs to your Experimenter, you will see pfm's in the dropdown list of choices matching the dashboards you've created. As you discovered, not all of the default PFM's work well with the healthcare objects; especially the MultipleLocations objects.

As you'll see in my modifications to your model, I added an Avg Staytime dashboard chart with a Subset defined for the WaitingAreaED object. I then was able to create a PFM in the Experimenter based on this chart.

Another thing to know about experimenter results is that there is a special dashboard chart called Scenarios (see below) that will let you compare the various scenarios defined in the Experimenter for any dashboard charts you've already defined before the experiment run. You just need to be sure and check the "Save statistics data for each replication" box on the Experiment Run tab of the Experimenter as shown further down.

I've demonstrated both of these methods in the attached modification to your model.


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