
Alvaro Libreros avatar image
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Alvaro Libreros asked Alvaro Libreros commented

How to configure arrivals to work with different lists

Hello. Can you please help me with an idea. I have set the arrivals based on historical data to calculate the arrivals per hour with the average of the data. I would like to configure this information as a parameter to be able to have more scenarios.


The table shows the information for both scenarios but I can't find how to set these as parameters

FlexSim 22.2.4
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Alvaro Libreros commented

I would suggest the following:

Put only the mean values for the distribution into columns of a global table.

Then read the value from the table when determining the quantities, with a model parameter determining which column is used.


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Alvaro Libreros avatar image Alvaro Libreros commented ·

An intelligent proposal, thank you very much!

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