
Matthew W5 avatar image
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Matthew W5 asked Cliff King commented

Experimenting with Arrival Schedule Flexsim 2020 Healthcare

I'm working on my first project in FlexSim 2020 after switching from FlexSim HC. I have my model created and running, but am trying to figure out how to change my patient arrival schedules with the experimenter. Previously the schedules were available as variables within the experimenter by using a global table. Now the only option that I'm seeing for the schedule is in the arrivals activity.

I've tried selecting different process flows from the node tree, but didn't have much luck. Is there a way to modify the arrival schedule from within the experimenter either via setting up multiple Arrival activities or using a global table?

FlexSim 20.1.0
experimenterflexsim 20.1.0arrivals
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1 Answer

Cliff King avatar image
Cliff King answered Cliff King commented

I do not think you can turn on/off an arrival activity, so if you plan on creating a separate arrival activity (ie. source) for each scenario, you may have to use decide activities downstream of each of source that redirects the tokens to a sink when it's not their turn (ie. scenario) to create patients. Maybe someone else has a better idea... @Brittany Evans @Jordan Johnson @Matthew Gillespie

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