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martin.j asked Phil BoBo edited

Table.getValueByKey returns exception when no value can be found

I am using the getValueByKey() to look up information in a bundle table, but there are situations where key I look up simply is not in the table, and that is ok - I can go on from there. Unfortunately the method throws an exception and quits the script or activity it is in with unpredictable behavior to follow.

  1. exception: FlexScript exception: no row found for key 5 in col 1 at <no path> c: <no path> i: <no path>

Is there a way to catch this exception or have the method simply return NULL if no matching result is found?

FlexSim 20.0.1
exception errortable commandsgetvaluebykeytable queriesi think the errors may be due to the incorrect referencing of label in the value field for the columns
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered Phil BoBo edited

If you don't know whether the key is in the table, use table.getRowByKey() instead of table.getValueByKey():

  1. Table table = Table("GlobalTable1");
  2. int key = 5;
  3. int valueCol = 2;
  5. int row = table.getRowByKey(key);
  6. if (row)
  7. return table[row][valueCol];
  8. else
  9. return 0; // handle what to do if the key isn't in the table
  11. //return table.getValueByKey(key, valueCol);
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