
Xavi Aguirre avatar image
Xavi Aguirre asked Xavi Aguirre commented

Process Flow Travel Activity: Read Destination from Table



I'm trying to set up a loop of destinations for a TaskExecuter that reads from a table called "Destinos".

The idea is that the operator travels to dest1, waits, then dest2, etc.

My idea was to feed the destinations through a Table and use the : Object Name By Global Lookup Table option.

Unfortunately it is not working for me. If I write in the destination NN1 (node name) it works fine, but if it reads it from the table, it gives me an error.

I've tried to write in the destination the command: gettablestr("Destinos", 1, 1) and I get an error to. However if I write this in the script window I get NN1 as output. ¿What I am missing?


FlexSim 17.0.1
process flowtraveltable commands
destinations.fsm (25.3 KiB)
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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
Sam Stubbs answered Xavi Aguirre commented

You had it almost right, the error was firing because in the Global Table reference it is expecting the table name to be in quotes (" "), without the quotes it was trying to read Destinos as a variable, which it didn't recognize.

Also, instead of a Delay activity (which will just delay the token) it sounds like you are looking for a Delay Task activity, which will cause the TaskExecuter to delay.

I've reattached your model with the fixes.


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