
Mehdi K2 avatar image
Mehdi K2 asked Eric M commented

AGV Reverse Direction Travel Distance


Is there any way to Calculate AGV Reverse Direction Travel Distance?


FlexSim 19.0.0
agvprocess flowflexsim 19.0.0travelcommand
· 1
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1 Answer

Eric M avatar image
Eric M answered

Hi @Mehdi K2, one way to do it is through labels. You can set a label when the AGV starts going in reverse to record the initial distance, then set another label when the AGV is not going in reverse to record the change in distance. Then you can set a label that will add up those differences over time, calculating the backwards distance, using the increment feature in assign labels. I've attached a model to demonstrate this. ReverseTravelDistance.fsm

The downside is needing to know when the AGV is traveling backwards and also not having the distance update continuously (it will only update when the assign label activity is activated).

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