
Ana S20 avatar image
Ana S20 asked tannerp answered

Coordinating Operators

I have two main issues with this model and I can't seem to fix them. These 2 are related to my inability to coordinate correctly the tasks/ groups of operators.

This is my model: modelo-simplificado2.fsm

1) I want both St B 1 and St B 2 to run simultaneously. The problem is that the operators load the flowitems from the multiprocessor at the same time without waiting for the next item to finish processing (one of them ends up loading an "inexistent" item). I've tried a "Wait for Event", but it doesn't solve the issue completely..

2) The operators end up loading items that have already been loaded onto the processors by other operators instead of waiting and loading the multiprocessor finished item.

Ps: to help understand the model:

Flow items enter 4 processors and are loaded by an operator (specific for each processor) onto the multiprocessor queue.
After multiprocessing, the items are loaded onto the next set of processors. Then, the items are loaded onto the queue3_1 by the same operators and continue the system.
I feel like I need to have 2 processflows (St B1 and St B2) because I have different groups of processors and operators. In St B1, I have 1 operator for each processor and in St B2 1 operator for 2 processors.

Thank you so much.

Best regards.

FlexSim 19.1.0
coordinated task sequence
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Emily Hardy avatar image Emily Hardy ♦ commented ·

What are you trying to achieve with the multiprocessor? Do you want it to process multiple objects at once or do multiple processes?

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Ana S20 avatar image Ana S20 Emily Hardy ♦ commented ·


Thanks for your answer.
I'm trying to do 2 multiple processes, just 1 object at a time.

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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
tannerp answered

Hi @Ana S20,

I think the main issue that you're having is that you're splitting the tokens that are created when the Multiprocessor finishes, but you're not creating another item at this time, so both operators are trying to load and unload the same item to two different locations. This is not good. We need to create a new item that one operator can take while the original item is taken by the other operator.

Once we've done this, you need to listen specifically for the "On Process Finish" trigger that involves the item that is associated with the token. We do this by using label matching as shown here:

Additionally, at the first set of processors, you needed logic to make sure that the operators were traveling to the processor that their item was at and not just a random queue. I added that simply by listening to the Processors' "On Entry" trigger rather than the Source "On Creation" trigger. That way, you already know which processor the object has been assigned to.

Here's an updated version of your model. Hopefully this is closer to the behavior that you want.


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