Hello there,
I would like to know if there is a way (method) to get the total number of days of the current month. For example, a function that returns 29 if I passed it the current date (today is 24/02/2020).
Just in case some help may show up, I aimed to design a user command which is able to return the number of days off a resource (which in turn has been assigned to a particular schedule) has taken during a defined period of time. As for now, I'm just considering the normal work schedule (weekends off) and calculating the days off between two passed dates. This way I can get the effective time a sequence task has taken to a specific transport to complete some tasks (much easier if using PF with WaitForEvents and Delays, but I'm not considering this possibility right now). The eventual purpose is to subtract this task time from the next processing time, in order not to influence a fixed whole time of both activities altogether. In other words, it's just a matter of transport visualization, which must not have any influence on activities delays.
Hoping I've been clear enough,