
King-Ki F avatar image
King-Ki F asked Regan Blackett answered

Interacting with custom 3D objects


I've created a custom 3D object in SketchUp where I'd like the operators to be able to interact with. The 3D object will simulate a picking station where a tote can sit on a slant while the picker places objects into the tote. Once the tote is full, the tote is pushed off to a conveyor in the back.

How can I make it so that operator can interact with my 3D object as described above? Would I have to create a queue and place them within my 3D object (in the red areas) and use process flow to control the whole thing? I'm thinking I would hide the queue just for aesthetics purposes.

FlexSim 20.0.3
3d shapeflexsim 20.0.3
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1 Answer

Regan Blackett avatar image
Regan Blackett answered

Hiding queues like you mention is a way to go, I've done things like that in past projects. Otherwise if you move flowitems into your custom shape you would be responsible for setting their location coordinates and rotation orientations etc. The Change visual activity in Process flow can make that easier but it's still more than you need to keep track of than if you were to use invisible queues.

I would maybe create any queues like that in to be inside of the custom shape object so that you could reference them as subnodes of the "real" object, and make it easier to manage if you need to reposition the custom object at any point.

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King-Ki F avatar image King-Ki F commented ·

Thanks! This gives me confidence to continue on this path.

BTW, I don't see a way to accept your response as an answer. Am I missing something?

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