
MINGYU L avatar image
MINGYU L asked David Seo answered

how to access control area's max allocations using custom code?


I wanna access control area's max allocations value and change the value using custom code when an event occurs on waypoints.

How to get control area's max allocations and change the value?

※For reference, I have tried two methods below, but it does not work.

Object ca_1 = model().find("ControlArea1");

1) setvarnum(ca_1, "Max Allocations", 12);

2) ca_1.variables.maxAllocations = 12.00;

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1 Answer

David Seo avatar image
David Seo answered


Also, you can find the "Max Allocations" field in the value settings of the quick property tab with a static value.

Or treenode ca_1 = model().find("ControlArea1");

ca_1.variables.maxAllocations.value = 12;

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