
Borja Lorenzo avatar image
Borja Lorenzo asked Borja Lorenzo commented

Area Control in Astar with Label Filtering

Hello everyone,

Could a label be used to apply in the control area?

In the simplified scenario, I have four AGVs: two with the string label "planta" and two with the string label "tren."

What I want to achieve is that AGVs with the label "planta" are not affected by the control area, but the control should apply to AGVs with the label "tren" and among those with the label "tren."

In other words, when an AGV with the label "tren" enters the control area, it should not allow anyone else to pass, regardless of the label, whether it is another with the label "tren" or different (in this case, "planta").

On the other hand, if an AGV with the label "planta" enters the control area, it should allow anyone with the label "planta" to enter but not anyone with the label "tren.

Simplificacion control area in Astar.fsm

FlexSim 24.1.1
agvlabelastar navigatorcontrolarea
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered Borja Lorenzo commented

You can manually allow or deny allocations by overriding the return value of the "On Request" event. So you'd store which type of AGV is currently in the area and make a decision whether to allow a request or not based on that.


(In the attached model I changed one of the TEs type to better showcase the logic. Their order is now tren, planta, planta, tren)

I used the same approach in this post where I also explain the thoughts behind it in a little more detail.

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