
mni_pei avatar image
mni_pei asked mni_pei commented

Why can’t AGV load item?


I set the item to be different colors.

Now I want AGVs can load items according to the color of the item (I set this label to "Type").

But this doesn't seem to be going well.

Only TaskExecutor 1 successfully loaded the item according to my instructions, other TaskExecutors failed.

( TaskExecutor 1 successfully load item of Type 1 and 2 )


I have a confusion how to let Task Executors load item successfully.

Any help would be appreciated.

Example2_try to truely multiload.fsm

agvlabelload unload
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered mni_pei commented

The unloaded items are not being pushed to the list because the queues are not part of the "LoadPort" group.

Also, each token in the loading subflow pulls up to 7 items causing further tokens to no be able to pull any items. I'd assume each token should only pull a single item here.


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mni_pei avatar image mni_pei commented ·

Dear @Felix Möhlmann

Thank you for your reply.

I followed your suggestion to make queues be part of the "LoadPort" and I changed the numbers to 1 in "Pull from List". Now the model looks better.


However, there is another problem I encounter.

All TaskExecutors always load item from "21_In" (the Queue closest to Source) rather than load item from specific Queue, and that is not I want.


As you can see, when TaskExecutor 3 arrive at "141_In" , TaskExecutor 3 will load items which is actually from "21_In".

But when I adjust the arrival schedule as follow , the above problems will not occur.


Do you know why this happens?

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann mni_pei commented ·

All items are pushed to the same list and by default the oldest ones will be pulled first. You can partition the list by the queue name and have the task tokens pull from the correct partition. Similar to how you do it when pulling from the unload list.



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mni_pei avatar image mni_pei Felix Möhlmann commented ·

@Felix Möhlmann

Thank you very much! !

The problem has been successfully solved .

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