
Robert F2 avatar image
Robert F2 asked Benjamin W2 answered

Model freezes due to custom code



I am using a combiner to palletize parts in specific load sizes and a separator to then separate the parts from the pallet. Queue1 and Queue79 have custom code in their triggers and when a different part type enters these queues, the model freezes and the code pops up. All I have to do is then click Continue and the model resumes but is there any way to prevent this pause?

Also, I need to add 2700 seconds of setup time between when different part types enter the conveyors so that the operators have time to make changes to the conveyors but I am having trouble with this.

Thanks for any help!

FlexSim 19.1.2
flexsim 19.1.2custom code
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1 Answer

Benjamin W2 avatar image
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Benjamin W2 answered

Hi @Robert F2,

You have a breakpoint in your code on line 34 of your entry trigger. It is the red shape on the left side of the code. Simply click it to remove it and your model should run fine.

As for your next question, try posting it as a different question. In general, it is best practice to only ask one question per post.

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