
Grace V avatar image
Grace V asked tannerp commented

intallation issues

I am installing FlexSim in a surface pro Intel i7 1.3 CPU 1.3 GHz, 16 Gb Ram & Windows home 10 / 64 bit processor x64.

When it launches the software for the first time, a window pops up asking to select initial FlexSim experience, but It doesn't let me select any option. Just like the button is not active, no matter how many times a click on it (Classic). Eventually, it times out and the software closes up.

So, I cannot pass from this initial set up window. Please help!

FlexSim 20.1.2
flexsim 20.1.2software installation
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tannerp avatar image tannerp commented ·

Hi @Grace V, was Ben Wilson's answer helpful? If so, please click the red "Accept" button on his answer. Otherwise, feel free to comment back with an update about your installation. Thanks!

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1 Answer

Ben Wilson avatar image
Ben Wilson answered

Hi @Grace V,

Sorry for the trouble! Please check out our list of suggestions for installation or start up issues:

You should be able to access the main menu. It could be helpful for you to go to Help>About FlexSim. Comment back with a screenshot of the popup that appears.

Finally, from the main menu you can access the User Manual (Help > User Manual) to start working through tutorials (or access them online here). You can also go to File > New to start a new model.

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