
Jouky D avatar image
Jouky D asked Benjamin W2 commented

How to export the model's code of ProcessFlow and 3D model to PDF/HTML/C++/R?


I want to continue working on the model using all the codification of the model. How can I export the model codification (PF and 3D model), with all the connections, objects, etc., into a PDF or HTML or C++ or R to continue working on that but using a deep layer of codification?

Thank you!

FlexSim 20.0.5
codeexportc++flexsim 20.0.5html
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Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered

You can use the FlexSim module SDK to incorporate a C++ dll into your FlexSim model. You can download the module SDK from the Downloads section of the FlexSim website:

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Benjamin W2 avatar image
Benjamin W2 answered Benjamin W2 commented

There isn't really a good way to completely export the model into a structured coding language. However, most of the model data is present in the tree, and you can export the tree as XML. See the following documentation:

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Jouky D avatar image Jouky D commented ·

Can I use this XML code for translating my model into another language as R or C++?

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Benjamin W2 avatar image Benjamin W2 Jouky D commented ·

I would go with Jordan's approach, and write a C++ DLL to interact with the model. You can do this directly or you can write an interface between R and C++ as a DLL.

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