
Anna Lisa Dierking avatar image
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Anna Lisa Dierking asked Anna Lisa Dierking commented

Overlapping dashboard charts in html export


I exported 3 dashboards at once using "export all dashboards to html".

In my html file all the charts were overlapping (see image).

Is there something I need to do or can do to avoid that?

FlexSim 16.2.0
chartsexporthtmlexport all dashboards to html
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Arun Kr avatar image Arun Kr commented ·

Hi Anna,

The reason may be because you have not properly aligned the dashboard graphs in the FlexSim model.


Arun KR

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Anna Lisa Dierking avatar image Anna Lisa Dierking Arun Kr commented ·

Hi Arun,

the charts are properly alligned in the model but not in one dashboard. I used multiple dashboards to keep my charts organized. Keep in mind that the image I posted is just an example. In my real model I have up to 15 charts in one dashboard.

I would like to export all dashboards at once but not have the charts all overlapping.

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1 Answer

Matt Long avatar image
Matt Long answered Anna Lisa Dierking commented

Looks like there is a small bug in the export. Close all of your Dashboards and reopen one and then try to the Export All Dashboards to HTML. That should work.

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Up to 12 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 23.8 MiB each and 47.7 MiB total.

Anna Lisa Dierking avatar image Anna Lisa Dierking commented ·

Thank you. That works for now.

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