
Michael D4 avatar image
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Michael D4 asked Michael D4 commented

How to separate by % an item in 2 queue?


I would like to separate a pallet by an percentage (like 75% and 25%) in 2 different queue.

I mean, one queue will have 25% of the pallet and the other 75%.

Any help will be appreciate.

I'm new on the Flexsim!

Thank you


FlexSim 20.1.3
queueflexsim 20.1.3separator
1593041713746.png (187.9 KiB)
test-separator.fsm (41.9 KiB)
test-separator.fsm (41.9 KiB)
5 |100000

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Michael D4 commented

Fixed ratio with output port 1 connected to an object to receive pallets:

  • increment a label value called e.g. countSplit at the separator on exit trigger if port > 1 in a code snippet.
    Reset label value to 1 at the same trigger as a Code Snippet, if value exceeds a distinct value e.g. 4:
    if(current.countSplit > 4) current.countSplit = 1;// still if port > 1
  • Send to Port on Flow Tab: Default Separator Option
    • Edit source code add Add previous to this line return contentport; if(current.countSplit == 4) return 3;


· 3
5 |100000

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Michael D4 avatar image Michael D4 commented ·

Hello Jörg,

I'm not able to open your file, is't normal?

Thank you


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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel Michael D4 commented ·

You have updated the conditions in a comment to Braydn. So I edited my answer to enhance the model to unpack items with a fixed ratio.

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Michael D4 avatar image Michael D4 Joerg Vogel commented ·

Ha ok I understand,

But I was not able to open your file before my comments to Braydn

Thank you for your help!

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Braydn T avatar image
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Braydn T answered Michael D4 commented

@Michael D4 A separator is used for separating parts from a whole. If you have not, I would recommend going through the tutorials, as tasks like this are covered there. I used the flow tab of the processor to define the percentages. Percentages.fsm

percentages.fsm (37.6 KiB)
· 2
5 |100000

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Michael D4 avatar image Michael D4 commented ·

Hello @Braydn T,

Thank you for your reply

I have watched many tutorials but unfortunately no one has covered this topic with the %.

What I tried to do was, if I have a pallet containing as many boxes, I would like 25% of my entire pallet to be for my store and the remaining 75% for my assembly line. And the number of boxes per pallet can change.

In fact, in your model (percentages.fsm) , when I start running, the first pallet goes straight to the store (like 1) but what I want is 0.25 from my pallet.

Can Flexsim do this for a pallet?

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Michael D4 avatar image Michael D4 Michael D4 commented ·

Also @Braydn, I'm not sure to understand the purpose of the separator instead of Processor. Why do you use Processor instead of Separator, we should be able to use Separator with the %? Thank you for your help

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