
Sara C3 avatar image
Sara C3 asked Sara C3 answered

How to manage the waiting room?

Hi! I have a problem with a clinic model: I created a waiting room and a registration desk with receptionists because I would like patients to go to the waiting room and then to the reception. The problem is that my patients go to the waiting room only if I put the waiting room in a group together with the registration desk (otherwise only one is created); in this case the patients stay in the waiting area and the receptionist moves towards them (it should be the other way around).

How can I solve my problem?

FlexSim 20.1.0
flexsim 20.1.0waiting room
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Brittany Evans avatar image
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Brittany Evans answered

Hello @Sara C3,

The activity sets are meant to be starting points, so you can use them and add/remove additional activities from the activity sets.

If you want patients to go to Waiting Room only if Registration is not available, I would recommend using the "Walk or Wait Area" Activity set.

If you want patients to go to the Waiting Room then to Registration when available, I would recommend using the "Walk then Process" Activity set for both the go to the waiting room and for the Registration process. For the walk to Waiting Room, I would remove the "Process" Activity. For the Registration step, I would add in the activities for Acquiring and Releasing Staff.

Another way to get this behavior would be to start with the "Walk or Wait Area" Activity set and remove the activities so they are forced to go to the Waiting Area then Registration.

Hope this helps.

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Sara C3 avatar image
Sara C3 answered

Thank you, I solved my problem!

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