
David Omar DLSS avatar image
David Omar DLSS asked Phil BoBo answered

cual es la versión para trabajar el flypath?

FlexSim 20.2.0
flexsim 20.2.0flypath
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Up to 12 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 23.8 MiB each and 47.7 MiB total.

1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered

The flypath option is not available in the free express version of the software. If you want to use flypaths and the Presentation Builder, you will need to license the software.

Flypaths are available in any licensed version of FlexSim.

5 |100000

Up to 12 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 23.8 MiB each and 47.7 MiB total.