
Mindy W avatar image
Mindy W asked tannerp commented

Can you search for a flow item based on the value of a label?

Is it possible to search the labels of flow items in a model to determine which flow items have a specific label value or which items have matching label values?

FlexSim 18.0.10
labelsflow itemsflexsim 18.0.10search
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1 Answer

Brenton King avatar image
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Brenton King answered tannerp commented

@mindy.w There is definitely a way to do this very easily. Just place every flowitem on a list. I like to have a token for every floweitem and then put the tokens on a list but you do not have to do it that way. Say all of your items are in a rack, you could push the item to the list when it enters the rack. Lists allow you to do really cool things, like query how many of a certain type you have, or the item that has been in the rack the longest...really, the capabilities are endless. This is done by the use of a pull operation. The pull operation would use SQL. Let us know if you need any more help with this.

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