
Matrixjz avatar image
Matrixjz asked Felix Möhlmann answered

Sending orders based on clients

We have to send these pallets with boxes to their respective customers. We were thinking of sending them to a sink, however the do not leave. Could you help providing us with a solution? Maybe the answer goes by some kind of type of separator?M1-SML.fsm

FlexSim 22.2.2
labelsseparatorflow itemsprocesspriority of delivering items
m1-sml.fsm (266.0 KiB)
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered

- There is an invalid pull strategy set in Queue22 that causes an error on model reset.

- You are using a minimum dwell time of 180s on the racks but push the items to a list immediately upon them entering. This can lead to items being taken from the rack before the dwell time elapses, again resulting in an error message. You should either set the dwell time to 0s or push the items to the list upon its completion in the "On End Dwell Time" trigger.

- You have set a process flow resource in the transport reference field of "Zona de recibo 1". This field expects a reference to a single task executer which will either do the transport task or pass it on to another task executer (dispatcher).

- When mixing Process Flow and 3D-/Dispatcher logic, you should utilize the "Create Task Sequence"/"Finish Task Sequence" activities in the Process Flow to combine tasks into one task sequence. Otherwise transports might do tasks in weird orders (for example: load item (by process flow) -> do other task that was received in the meantime from a dispatcher -> unload item (by process flow)) Or just generally avoid mixing the two.

- The sinks are set to only pull items of a certain "Type". That label is only present on the boxes, not the pallets, so the sinks won't pull any of the pallets. You could copy the type label to the pallet in one of the triggers of the combiners.

- Multiple other posts about this assignment have already been made in the last few days. You can probably find more information about how you can pull specific quantities of a certain type in those (see here for example, or here)

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